Happy Certification Nation Day: Want To Join In The Fun?

Poster showing the details for Certification Nation Day.

96% of our team say Component Sense is a Great Place To Work, compared to the average of 54% across UK-based businesses. We prioritise ourselves in ensuring our colleagues feel valued and thrive. A big part of this is always looking for opportunities to sing their praises.

Each year on November 1st, companies around the world with Great Place to Work accreditation celebrate their success on Certification Nation Day. But what is behind Certification Nation Day? And why is this occasion so important to us at Component Sense? Keep reading to find out more.

What is Certification Nation Day?

Certification Nation Day is a chance for businesses to sing their successes from the rooftops. Being a certified Great Place To Work is something to be proud of, as it points to a fantastic employee experience and workplace culture. So, you can imagine why Certification Nation Day is one of the biggest celebrations of the year for our GPTW community.

Getting this accreditation requires a two-step process where all employees are asked survey questions and an independent analysis of the business is carried out to ensure we meet strict criteria. 

Certification Nation Day is a vast online and offline celebration of certified companies like Component Sense. For us, it is a chance to acknowledge our wonderful team. After all, our teammates implement our EPIC values every day — more on our values soon.

Montage of values that need to be shown for a company to be certified as a great place to work.

Why Component Sense is a great place to work

So, what makes a company a great place to work? Does it involve providing market-leading remuneration and a real living wage (which we do offer)? Of course, this is an important factor, but a healthy organisational climate is about more than money. Here are some other reasons we are celebrating this Certification Nation Day.

Commitment to lifelong learning

Nobody is perfect; we all have strengths, weaknesses, and varying experience levels. At Component Sense, we realise our differences and celebrate them. As a business, we are always encouraging and supporting our team members to upskill and share knowledge with each other. Ways we do this include: 

  • Mentoring with management 
  • Investing in online courses 
  • Holding a monthly book club

For us at Component Sense, we look at learning and development as a win-win. Top talent is often attracted to a workplace that offers continuous learning, especially the best up-and-coming workers. The ongoing drive for upskilling is also proven to improve productivity and reduce staff turnover. Here are some quotes from anonymous Component Sense team members about how we have helped them to be the best versions of themselves:

“The EPIC values of the company are what drive all the employees to grow and feel appreciated at their workplace. This is rarely found in the world of corporate business, and that is why I can proudly say that Component Sense is a great place to develop career-wise and personality-wise.”
“The company genuinely cares about personal development as well as professional.”
“I think people display our EPIC values every day, and that’s what makes the experience of working here so positive. It is a joy to watch people flourish with the right encouragement and support. It’s also a lovely place to work as you can really feel the weight of your impact.”

Flexible working hours

At Component Sense, we understand that work is not everything. Some of us are parents to small children, some are caring for elderly family members, and others may be studying part-time to learn a new skill or hobby. We firmly believe work-life balance is key to better mental health and wellbeing. 

One big part of work-life balance is flexibility. Yes, our Component Sense company headquarters are in Livingston, Scotland, but many of our employees are either hybrid or fully remote. The ability to work anywhere reduces commute time and means staff can work on their time schedule. Have a plumber coming around to fix a leaky pipe? No drama! Work from home that day to let them in. Flexible working has also been shown to boost overall productivity.

Photo montage of Component Sense team members with a badge showing the company is certified as a great place to work.

EPIC values

Component Sense’s EPIC values do not just inform how we communicate with customers but with our team members as well. The EPIC anagram is a foundation for connecting with people and drives us forward as a business. We firmly believe that our EPIC values are not just a box-ticking exercise. Let us break down each core value.


Many people may say they have an enterprising spirit, but our team genuinely thrives on trying new things and innovating. At Component Sense, we encourage our staff to be proactive in innovation, forward-thinking, and taking calculated risks. After all, enterprising drives the development of new strategies and services for the business.


It may seem like a no-brainer, but a positive outlook can work wonders for one's well-being. Happiness and positivity also tend to rub off on the people around you. So, when we prioritise positivity at work, our team has better work satisfaction and is more productive. Here are some ways we keep morale high at Component Sense: 

  • Mental health support, including access to therapy
  • Frequent team-building activities (like our Tough Mudder adventure, a smellier example of team bonding!)  
  • Always acknowledging the achievements of our team members

Component Sense team photo from the finish line of the Tough Mudder event.


Oxford Languages says that integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. This definition is not far from what we believe in at Component Sense. When it comes to our business, the value of integrity encourages our team members to be fully transparent, honest, and accountable. 

When we prioritise integrity, we build trust, not only with our customers but with each other as well. An extension of this value is also ensuring none of our staff are on zero-hour contracts.


Last but certainly not least is our value of clarity. There is no point in beating around the bush. So, we pride ourselves on cutting to the chase and communicating clearly. This ethos starts from the top, so we provide well-defined goals, distinct roles, and clear directions to team members.

Clarity is also an important value for our customers in the electronic manufacturing industry. Given the complexity of many electronic components and the strict quality assurance that we promise, it is vital to be thorough and clear with all of our dealings and processes. Clarity is also essential when it comes to coordinating global supply chains. 

Finally, clarity works both ways. At Component Sense, we empower our team members with the channels to provide feedback on the business and its direction. After all, it is important everyone in the company is working towards the same goal.

Join the Component Sense team

At Component Sense, we are proud to be Great Place To Work certified. Certification Nation Day is an excellent opportunity to sing the praises of our team’s hard work. After all, it takes everyone's input within the business to create a fantastic company culture. 

Being a Great Place to Work improves our team members' morale and overall satisfaction and helps us attract top talent in every department. We want to work with the best of the best to continue providing the phenomenal customer service we are famous for. If the Certification Nation Day celebrations have you intrigued about working at Component Sense, check out our jobs page below: