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part also known as B32776T8685K

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DC Link Capacitor for Use in Fast-Switching Power Modules 12/10/2012 Electronics company TDK Corporation has released the EPCOS CeraLink, a DC link capacitor for use in fast-switching power modules for industrial and automotive electronics. According to the company, CeraLink is “based on a PLZT ceramic material (lead lanthanum zirconate titanate) and covers a capacitance range from 1 µF to 100 µF at a rated voltage of 400 V DC.” The company also offers another model at a rated voltage of 800 V DC and a capacitance of 5 µF. CeraLink is designed for temperatures between -40°C and 125°C and can be produced in “several commonly available terminal configurations, including low profile, SMD, solder pin and press-fit busbar types.” - See more at: http://www.interferencetechnology.com/dc-link-capacitor-for-use-in-fast-switching-power-modules/#sthash.XYqxkUuZ.dpuf Frequency converters Industrial and high-end power supplies Solar inverters Climatic Max. operating temperature: 105 °C (case) Climatic category (IEC 60068-1): 40/105/56 Construction Dielectric: Polypropylene (MKP) Plastic case (UL 94 V-0) Epoxy resin sealing (UL 94 V-0) Features Capacitance values up to 480 µF High CV product, compact Good self-healing properties Over-voltage capability Low losses with high current capability High reliability Long useful life RoHS-compatible Terminals Parallel wire leads, lead-free tinned 2-pin, 4-pin and 12-pin versions Standard lead lengths: 6 1 mm Marking Manufacturer's logo and lot number, date code, rated capacitance (coded), capacitance tolerance (code letter) and rated DC voltage Delivery mode Bulk (untaped) Metallized polypropylene film capacitors (MKP) B32774 ... B32778 M

Manufacturer: Epcos

Date Code: 11+
RoHS: Yes

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22 - 35$4.628

Manufacturer: Epcos

Date Code: 1130
RoHS: Yes

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101 - 500$4.272
501 - 1000$3.916
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Manufacturer: Epcos

Date Code: 1130
RoHS: Yes

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101 - 500$4.272
501 - 1000$3.916
1001 - 5000$3.560
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Manufacturer: Epcos

Date Code: 1130
RoHS: Yes

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22 - 100$4.628
101 - 500$4.272
501 - 1000$3.916
1001 - 5000$3.560
5001 - 10000$3.204

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Manufacturer: Epcos

Date Code: 1130
RoHS: Yes

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1 - 21
22 - 100$4.628
101 - 500$4.272
501 - 1000$3.916
1001 - 5000$3.560
5001 - 10000$3.204

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